What is a website?

A website is a collection of one or more web pages. Each web page has text, images and videos etc. called page content. Each website is identified by a unique web address.

What is domain name?

Domain name is the address of a website. Domain name is unique for each website. An example of a domain name is "". Actually websites are accessed by ip addresses but ip address is difficult to remember and that's why domain name were developed. A domain name can have different extensions called TLD. For example .com, .in etc. Extension used to categories the domain name.

What is web hosting?

Web hosting is the physical location of a website where web pages and related contents are stored. Web hosting companies provide hosting with various plans and features. There are several categories of web hosting such as share hosting, cloud hosting, dedicated hosting etc.

What is SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. SSL certificate consist of small data files that installed on web server. It activates pad lock in the browser address bar and access the website via https protocol. SSL establish a secure connection between user browser and the web server. SSL also plays an important role in website ranking in search engines.

Benefits of website

There are many advantages to having a website. Below we have mentioned some of the major benefits of having a website.

Expand your business.
Improve brand value.
Cost-effective advertisement
24/7 online presence
Look progressional
More opportunities
Online customer service